Electric Motor Testing Service
DC Motor Testing
While you may know ISL Products as an industry leader in electric motor manufacturing, specifically DC motors and gear motors, we also provide additional validation and electric motor testing services.
This service is intended for a variety of small dc electric motors and gear motors. Its purpose is to provide our customers with quality assurances and to offer comprehensive motor health analyses.
Testing is conducted with unique motor test equipment specifically designed for micro dc motors. We utilize our in-house custom brake dynamometer and other standardized bench testing procedures.
This service is available for DC motors and gear motors only, we are not currently setup to validate AC motors. Existing customers may qualify for complimentary evaluation services. Please outline your motor testing requirements and submit them via email for a Quick Quote.
Electric Motor Testing with a Dynamometer
A motor dynamometer, or dyno for short, is an electromechanical device that measures the overall performance characteristics of a motor. It simultaneously measures the rotational speed and torque. With the addition of other bench top equipment and electronics we can also measure power, current draw, and operating efficiency across the entire torque range. All of the data is then exported to our validation software where we can then extrapolate a detailed motor performance curve.
Our electric motor dynamometer testing allows us to evaluate dc gear motors & dc motors to ensure projected performance data is accurate. This can be useful for multiple situations like evaluating first article samples, comparing two different motors, diagnosing a field failure, or simulating a particular duty cycle.
When a motor is designed for the first time, a lot of the calculations are based on prior designs, experience and mathematical calculations. Brake dynamometers, like ours, are excellent electric motor testing devices that allow manufacturers to prove those theoretical calculations in a more realistic setting, proving the motor or gear motor is operating as it was intended.
Testing Capability Guidelines
We provide our testing services to customers for a wide range of brushed-dc motors and brushless dc motors along with gear motors. This service is great for customers that have a specific incumbent motor or gear motor that needs to be tested.
Our motor testing equipment is designed for our most prominent product offering, so we do have some testing limitations. Below you will find guidelines and parameters that encompasses our current testing capabilities:
- Peak Operating Voltage: < 48VDC
- Current Draw: < 30A
- Input Power: 900W (max)
- Torque: up to 120 kg.cm
- Speed: up to 10,000 rpm
- Physical Size: 10mm – 52mm diameter (inline types)
*NOTE: If your motor or gear motor requirements fall outside of these guidelines, please contact ISL Products . If we are unable to do a complete evaluation, partial testing may still be possible dependent upon your request. Our advanced motor testing tools and capabilities are constantly expanding so its always best to just ask via our online contact form!
Electric Motor Testing – Quick Quote
Testing Metrics and Procedures
ISL Products’ dyno electric motor test involves multiple stages so that we can provide our customers with a complete representation of a motor or gear motor performance specifications.
No-Load Testing
During this test, we test the no-load conditions of the motor or gear motor. The no-load motor speed can be defined as the conditions at which no load is being applied to the output shaft or the motor or gear motor, also known as the “free running” condition. Since there is no-load applied to the motor during this test, the torque level is always zero.
Parameters Measured: No-load Speed (rpm) & No-Load Current (A or mA).
On-Load Testing
During this test, we install the micro motor or gear motor to our motor fixture on our brake dynamometer . The dyno then applies a gradual load from minimal to maximum torque capacity, simulating a full scale of possible operating conditions. This data is then exported to our simulation software where we are able to use all of the data points to formulate a full performance curve. All of the motor’s performance characteristics can be determined from this test, giving you a full picture of how the motor performs over its entire torque capacity.
*NOTE: Stall conditions are typically simulated. Stall testing is considered to be a destructive test and the motor or gear motor may be damaged during testing. If you require a stall test, please make sure to provide extra samples due to the tests destructive nature.
Parameters Measured: On-Load Torque (kg.cm, Nm), Stall Torque (kg.cm, Nm), On-Load Speed (rpm), On-Load Current Draw (mA, A), Stall Current (mA, A), Output Power (W), Efficiency (%).
Load Simulation Test
We can also run a load simulation test on a motor or gear motor. In this test the dyno is programmed to simulate the speed and loading conditions similar to what would be experienced within your application. This will illustrate the motors performance behavior during operation under your expected load conditions.
Understanding your full duty cycle is important for this type of test. To run an intermittent duty cycle simulation we need to factor in any and all dwell times for accurate readings.
Parameters Measured: On-Load Torque (kg.cm, Nm), On-Load Speed (rpm), On-Load Current Draw (mA, A), Output Power (W), Efficiency (%).
Complete Test Report
During each testing service, we will provide you with a complete documentation of tests in our Motor Evaluation Report. Within the report you will find the following information:
- Types of Tests Performed
- Description of Samples
- Performance Curve (PDF) – showing speed, torque, output power, current draw and efficiency.
- Raw Test Data (Excel) – showing duty cycle simulation (if applicable), performance curve data, no-load data.
- Photographs (JPG) – showing the test setup.
Motor Evaluation Report – Example

How To Read Motor Performance Curves
Service Benefits
Through a series of complex and simple tests, our electrical motor testing service will give you a better understanding of how a particular dc motor or dc gear motor performs. This is extremely useful during the motor selection and validation process. Take advantage of this service at any stage of your development cycle.
If you’re experiencing poor quality from a supplier and receive a batch of bad motors, our testing service is a great way to confirm your suspicions. Our quality testing will give you firm data to share with your supplier and hopefully reach a resolution quicker to address your quality concerns.
While most motor suppliers will provide estimated performance data of their motors, we believe that real world testing offers a more complete understanding of how a motor or gear motor will perform. It also allows us to validate any performance projections or simulations that we provide at the early stage of a development.
Instead of conducting an endless search, contact ISL Products first! Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our team of dedicated electric motor testing professionals will work with you to ensure you have the most optimal motor or gear motor for your application. From the initial design all the way through post production, ISL Products is your motor solution partner.